Web delivery firm says Comcast taking toll on data

Level 3 Communications Inc., an Internet backbone company that supports Netflix Inc.'s increasingly popular movie streaming service, complained Monday that cable giant Comcast Corp. is charging it an unfair fee for the right ...

Digitalization found to be an important climate tool

Carbon emissions from the internet are on a par with emissions from the aerospace industry, but at the same time digital technologies are crucial to winning the battle against climate change.

US agency reveals more secrets after court order (Update)

The Obama administration has given up more of its surveillance secrets, acknowledging that it was ordered to stop scooping up thousands of Internet communications from Americans with no connection to terrorism—a practice ...

Skype eyes US business customers, Facebook

Skype announced an agreement Wednesday with corporate telephone provider Avaya to bring the Internet communications service to US business customers.

Fleeing customers haunt phone co. in New England

(AP) -- Phone companies fear that customers will increasingly switch off their landlines in favor of wireless phones or phone service from cable TV providers. So the last thing FairPoint Communications Inc. needed was to ...

RIM tells India no access for BlackBerry emails

BlackBerry maker Research In Motion (RIM) said Thursday it could not give Indian law enforcers a way to monitor its corporate mail service, days ahead of a government deadline for access.

Protest targets US cyber intelligence legislation

Civil liberties groups on Monday launched protests targeting proposed US cyber intelligence law that they fear would let police freely dip into people's private online information.

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