On the origin of music by means of natural selection

Do away with the DJ and scrap the composer. A computer program powered by Darwinian natural selection and the musical tastes of 7,000 website users may be on the way to creating a perfect pop tune, according to new research ...

Newspaper sites draw 36 percent of Web audience in June

Newspaper Web sites attracted 70.3 million unique visitors in June, representing about 36 percent of all Internet users, according to a new Nielsen Online study commissioned by an industry trade group.

Online advertising in US rises 16 pct in 1Q

New figures show Internet advertising in the U.S. is still growing at a robust clip as marketers pursue the growing online audience and data analysis helps to target their pitches at people most likely to buy their products ...

China requires Internet users to register names (Update)

China's government tightened Internet controls Friday with approval of a law that requires users to register their names after a flood of online complaints about official abuses rattled Communist Party leaders.

French watchdog says Facebook did not violate privacy

France's data watchdog said Tuesday that Facebook users' privacy had not been breached, a week after summoning officials from the social networking site over rumours that private messages were being posted publicly.

Spotify music service plays at Yahoo!

Yahoo! on Tuesday announced that it will be integrating Spotify internet radio service into its websites as part of a quest to reinvent itself as an online stage for digital content.

Obama turns to Web to take questions from public

(AP) -- President Barack Obama kicked off a first-of-its-kind Internet-era town hall at the White House on Thursday, pushing hard for public support of his $3.6 trillion budget and asking people to be patient with work his ...

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