Virgin disaster is a reminder of deadly explosion

The loss of an experimental spaceship that broke up over the Mojave Desert, killing one pilot and seriously injuring another, has renewed criticism of the way the craft's designer and Virgin Galactic handled a deadly explosion ...

Interview: Japanese tourist says space trip 'amazing'

A Japanese space tourist on Monday rejected criticism from those who questioned his decision to pay a fortune for a trip to the International Space Station, saying the "amazing" experience was worth it.

Five space travel accidents that shaped the modern era

Last week was a particularly grim one for private space flights. Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo crashed in the Mojave Desert, about 150km north of Los Angeles, killing a pilot, Michael Alsbury, and seriously injuring another, ...

Atlantis blasts off on end-of-era spaceflight

Atlantis blazed a path into history Friday as it rocketed off the launch pad for a final time, marking the last-ever liftoff of the 30-year-old American space shuttle program.

Coronavirus lockdowns increase poaching in Asia, Africa

A camera trap photo of an injured tigress and a forensic examination of its carcass revealed why the creature died: a poacher's wire snare punctured its windpipe and sapped its strength as the wound festered for days.

Fulfilling a dream: To study Earth from space

During her childhood in northern Maine, Jessica Meir often stared at the night sky and wondered what it would be like to observe earth from space.

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