New crew reaches ISS in record time

A three-person crew successfully reached the International Space Station on Wednesday aboard a Russian rocket after the fastest ever journey from Earth of just over three hours.

Upgraded urban travel 'could save $70 trillion by 2050'

Urban planners must re-invent city transportation systems to save up to $70 trillion globally in the next 37 years, a study said on Wednesday citing the examples of Belgrade, Seoul and New York City.

Canada to send two astronauts into space by 2024

Canada committed Tuesday to flying two astronauts to space within the next decade as part of its renewed participation with the International Space Station program.

The end of the line for space tourism?

A US software mogul who made history this week as the first person to travel to space twice as a tourist could also be the last paying passenger to head into space for several years.

Advanced communications testbed for Space Station

( -- New and improved ways for future space travelers to communicate will be tested on the International Space Station.  The SCaN Testbed, or Space Communications and Navigation Testbed - designed and built ...

US museum to welcome space shuttle Discovery

Discovery on Thursday will become the first spaceship of the retired US shuttle fleet to enter its permanent home as a museum artifact, marking a solemn end to the 30-year US space flight program.

Astronauts searching for life—underground

Astronauts dream of finding new life and for a select crew that dream might be within reach this week—albeit deep underground instead of in outer space.

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