Japan should stop 'confusing messages' on Fukushima: IAEA

The world's nuclear watchdog has urged Japan to explain more clearly what is happening at Fukushima and avoid sending "confusing messages" about the disaster, the country's atomic regulator revealed Wednesday.

UN nuclear body says ageing reactors fuel safety concerns

Eighty percent of nuclear power plants are more than 20 years old, raising safety concerns, the UN atomic agency warned in a draft report seen by AFP on Tuesday, a year after Japan's Fukushima disaster.

Japan upgrades Fukushima leak to highest level in two years

Japan declared a radioactive water leak at the crippled Fukushima plant a level-three "serious incident" Wednesday, its highest warning in two years, as operators scrambled to seal a tank that has seeped 300 tonnes of toxic ...

Asia nuclear reactors face tsunami risk

(AP) -- The skeleton of what will soon be one of the world's biggest nuclear plants is slowly taking shape along China's southeastern coast - right on the doorstep of Hong Kong's bustling metropolis. Three other facilities ...

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