IAEA urges Japan to take ample time in Fukushima cleanup

The International Atomic Energy Agency urged Japan on Thursday to spend ample time in developing a decommissioning plan for the tsunami-damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant and to be honest with the public about remaining ...

New tamper-detecting seal is tough to fool

A critical area of security is ensuring that something inside a container stays there. Sandia National Laboratories has made the job easier with an innovative technology that detects signs of tampering.

Antineutrino detectors could aid non-proliferation

Physicists at the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland and even in the fictional world of CBS' "The Big Bang Theory" look to subatomic particles called neutrinos to answer the big questions about the universe.

UN atomic agency suffers 'malware' attack

The UN atomic agency said Tuesday that some of its computers were infected by malicious software, in its second embarrassing IT slip-up over the past year.

IAEA to advise Japan on Fukushima clean-up

Experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency met Japanese officials Monday as part of a mission to assess clean-up efforts at the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant.

Japan should stop 'confusing messages' on Fukushima: IAEA

The world's nuclear watchdog has urged Japan to explain more clearly what is happening at Fukushima and avoid sending "confusing messages" about the disaster, the country's atomic regulator revealed Wednesday.

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