Quasiparticles experimentally shown to interfere for first time

Qubits, the units used to encode information in quantum computing, are not all created equal. Some researchers believe that topological qubits, which are tougher and less susceptible to environmental noise than other kinds, ...

Fab new laser nano-fabrication technology

(PhysOrg.com) -- Laser interference lithography can produce very high-resolution nano-scale surface patterns at low cost, and now European researchers have made important breakthroughs in the area.

Quantum strangeness gives rise to new electronics

Noting the startling advances in semiconductor technology, Intel co-founder Gordon Moore proposed that the number of transistors on a chip will double each year, an observation that has been born out since he made the claim ...

First light at the most powerful laser in the US

The laser that will be the most powerful in the United States is preparing to send its first pulses into an experimental target at the University of Michigan.

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