How can the smart effect help build human-robot trust?

Strategic messaging that precedes human-robot interaction can help build the trust needed for effective human-robot communication and positive interaction outcomes, according to a study published in Cyberpsychology, Behavior, ...

Robots as platforms?

An odd concept for anyone raised on the idea of robots as clunky metal machines or toys designed to make life easier or more fun, but a new EU-funded research project introduces the idea of robots as platforms to deliver ...

Robot representatives open doors for the isolated

Psychologists from the University of Exeter are leading a major project looking at how robots can enable people to interact in public spaces – without actually being there.

Research could lead to wearable sensors for the blind

Wearable sensors that allow the blind to "see" with their hands, bodies or faces could be on the horizon, thanks to a $2 million award from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to researchers at The City College of New York ...

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