Strawberry farms threaten Spanish wetlands

Standing in the middle of a stretch of land surrounded by dunes and pine forest, Juan Romero examines the cracked ground then stares at the dusty horizon.

Researchers lay out a path to saving the Mekong Delta

Nearly 20 million people live in Southeast Asia's Mekong Delta, which is also the source of 7–10% of internationally traded rice. But the delta will be nearly entirely underwater by the end of the century if water management ...

Self-propelled, endlessly programmable artificial cilia

For years, scientists have been attempting to engineer tiny, artificial cilia for miniature robotic systems that can perform complex motions, including bending, twisting, and reversing. Building these smaller-than-a-human-hair ...

Using tiny sensors to monitor migrating monarchs

Millions of monarch butterflies migrate each fall to a specific cluster of mountain peaks in central Mexico. How exactly they navigate to their winter home, and the way they choose their path, is a topic of great interest ...

Rare birth of Asiatic cheetah cubs in Iran

An Asiatic cheetah gave birth to three "healthy" cubs in Iran, the head of the environment department said Sunday, calling it a first in captivity for the endangered species.

Meet the forest microbes that can survive megafires

New UC Riverside research shows fungi and bacteria able to survive redwood tanoak forest megafires are microbial "cousins" that often increase in abundance after feeling the flames.

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