What is storm surge and why is it so dangerous?

The biggest threat to human life during a hurricane is often the storm surge, which occurs when sea level rises dramatically during a storm, sending a wall of water gushing over land.

Bringing together storm tracks and clouds

We often talk about future climate change in terms of "global warming." But when it comes to the impacts of global warming, regional changes in winds and precipitation are more relevant. The latter depend on how the circulation ...

New NASA video gives hurricanes a good 'HIWRAP'

A new animation from NASA shows how a remarkable instrument called the HIWRAP looks into tropical cyclones at wind, rain and ice to analyze storm intensity.

Scientists to drop research drones into hurricanes

The point where the roiling ocean meets the fury of a hurricane's winds may hold the key to improving storm intensity forecasts—but it's nearly impossible for scientists to see.

Cloud control could tame hurricanes, study shows

They are one of the most destructive forces of nature on Earth, but now environmental scientists are working to tame the hurricane. In a paper, published in Atmospheric Science Letters, the authors propose using cloud seeding ...

Rubber chicken flies into solar radiation storm

Last month, when the sun unleashed the most intense radiation storm since 2003, peppering satellites with charged particles and igniting strong auroras around both poles, a group of high school students in Bishop, California, ...

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