Related topics: galaxies ยท star formation

Suspects in the quenching of star formation exonerated

Supermassive black holes millions to billions times the mass of our Sun lie at the heart of most, maybe all large galaxies. Some of these power brilliantly luminous, rapidly growing objects called active galactic nuclei that ...

An angry bird in the sky

( -- A new image from the Wide Field Imager on the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope reveals the Lambda Centauri Nebula, a cloud of glowing hydrogen and newborn stars in the constellation of Centaurus (The Centaur). ...

Neutron star bites off more than it can chew

( -- ESA's XMM-Newton space observatory has watched a faint star flare up at X-ray wavelengths to almost 10 000 times its normal brightness. Astronomers believe the outburst was caused by the star trying to eat ...

Starbursts in Dwarf Galaxies are a Global Affair

( -- Bursts of star making in a galaxy have been compared to a Fourth of July fireworks display: They occur at a fast and furious pace, lighting up a region for a short time before winking out.

How close is too close to a kilonova?

Cataclysmic events happen in the universe all the time. Black hole mergers, supernovae, gamma-ray bursts, and a whole host of others. Most of them happen in distant galaxies, so they pose no threat to us. But there are a ...

Astronomers discover M87's jet is triggering novae

Everyone loves a good mystery, and astronomers have just uncovered a new one in a nearby supermassive galaxy called M87. Like most galaxies, M87 regularly plays host to a smattering of stellar explosions called novae, each ...

A true view of infant star clusters

Super star clusters (SSCs) are dense clusters of bright young stars. As they evolve their intense radiation can clear gas and dust from their region. But as they are forming the region around them is still undisturbed. Because ...

Life can thrive around even the smallest stars, study claims

Photosynthesis is probably the most important chemical reaction for life on Earth. It is the process plants use to transform sunlight into energy it can use. Through it, plants can produce carbohydrates they can use (and ...

Image: Hubble spots dark star-hatching frEGGs

This image shows knots of cold, dense interstellar gas where new stars are forming. These Free-floating Evaporating Gaseous Globules (frEGGs) were first seen in Hubble's famous 1995 image of the Eagle Nebula. Because these ...

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