Improve individual skills supported by BigData

Running is one of the most popular sports. However, not many runners have received formal training on running. Associate Professor Shinichi YAMAGIWA of the University of Tsukuba and his colleagues have developed a system ...

Credit card fraudsters quickly exposed

Most people feel safe from fraudsters if their credit card is safely tucked away in their wallet. But they shouldn't: in most cases, thieves only need card numbers and information. A new software can provide more effective ...

A search engine for TV programs

The journalist recalls more or less what Ulla Schmidt said regarding the health reform, but needs the exact wording to be able to cite her. A new speech recognition system helps to search TV broadcasts. It does not need to ...

Stratfor back online after cyberhack

(AP) -- Global intelligence analysis firm Stratfor has relaunched its website after hackers brought down its servers and stole thousands of credit card numbers and other personal information belonging to its customers.

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