Related topics: electrons

Quan­tum physics turned into tan­gi­ble re­al­ity

ETH physicists have developed a silicon wafer that behaves like a topological insulator when stimulated using ultrasound. They have thereby succeeded in turning an abstract theoretical concept into a macroscopic product.

Third research team close to creating Majorana fermion

( -- Recently there has been a virtual explosion of research efforts aimed at creating the elusive Majorana fermion with different groups claiming to be near to creating them. First there was news that a team ...

Scientists transform polyethylene into a heat-conducting material

Most polymers -- materials made of long, chain-like molecules -- are very good insulators for both heat and electricity. But an MIT team has found a way to transform the most widely used polymer, polyethylene, into a material ...

Topology protects light propagation in photonic crystal

Dutch researchers at AMOLF and TU Delft have seen light propagate in a special material without reflections. The material, a photonic crystal, consists of two parts that each have a slightly different pattern of perforations. ...

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