Related topics: electrons

Heating apartment houses sustainably

For the energy transition to be successful, it will also be important to secure heat supply of the housing stock by sustainable technologies. About half of the apartments in Germany is located in apartment buildings. However, ...

The origin of linear magnetoresistance—exotic or classical?

New materials sometimes exhibit spectacular resistance phenomena, though the explanation does not always prove to be exotic. Physicists from the Nijmegen High Field Magnet Laboratory (HFML) and the ETH in Zürich have demonstrated ...

Electron highway inside crystal

Physicists of the University of Würzburg have made an astonishing discovery in a specific type of topological insulators. The effect is due to the structure of the materials used. The researchers have now published their ...

Exotic insulator may hold clue to key mystery of modern physics

Experiments using laser light and pieces of gray material the size of fingernail clippings may offer clues to a fundamental scientific riddle: what is the relationship between the everyday world of classical physics and the ...

Team heats up exotic topological insulators

Fashion is changing in the avant-garde world of next-generation computer component materials. Traditional semiconductors like silicon are releasing their last new lines. Exotic materials called topological insulators (TIs) ...

Tunable sound transmission shapes up

The ability to control fine-scale acoustic waves known as phonons could lead to new sensing and surgery technologies, or even materials that are invisible to sonar. This pursuit led researchers at King Abdullah University ...

New electricity grids possible with computer simulations

Renewable energy requires new electricity grids, sometimes over entire continents, because 'green energy' is often generated in remote locations. A general problem in such networks is that, although electrically conductive ...

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