Cavemen's rock music makes a comeback

Thousands of years after they resonated in caves, two dozen stone chimes used by our prehistoric forefathers will make music once more in a unique series of concerts in Paris.

First TV Image of Mars

( -- A 'real-time data translator' machine converted a Mariner 4 digital image data into numbers printed on strips of paper.

UCSC acquires powerful new astrophysics supercomputer system

State-of-the-art computer systems have been instrumental in making UC Santa Cruz one of the world's leading centers for computational astrophysics and planetary science. A new supercomputer recently installed on campus provides ...

Reconstructing Cassini's plunge into Saturn

As NASA's Cassini spacecraft made its fateful dive into the upper atmosphere of Saturn on Sept. 15, the spacecraft was live-streaming data from eight of its science instruments, along with readings from a variety of engineering ...

Webb Telescope completes first multi-instrument alignment

The sixth stage of aligning NASA's James Webb Space Telescope's mirrors to its scientific instruments so they will create the most accurate and focused images possible has concluded. While the Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) ...

The new world of gamma-ray optics

Scientists discover that certain materials like silicon or gold exhibit a surprisingly large refractive index for extremely high energetic gamma-rays.

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