A Plug-and-play approach to integrated nanoacoustics

From taut strings vibrating in musical instruments to micro-electro-mechanical systems for optoelectronics, vibrations cover an extensive range of applications. At the nanoscale, the study of mechanical vibrations poses several ...

New microchip devices produce a wide range of laser hues

Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the University of Maryland have developed a microchip technology that can convert invisible near-infrared laser light into any one of a panoply ...

Rainbow comet with a heart of sponge

A permeable heart with a hardened facade—the resting place of Rosetta's lander on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko is revealing more about the interior of the "rubber duck" shaped-body looping around the Sun.

Scientists find new way to measure important beam property

For a wide variety of high-powered scientific instruments, from free-electron lasers to wakefield accelerators to electron microscopes, generating a bright electron beam that has specific properties represents one of the ...

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