Related topics: google

Google challenger in Vietnam redirecting queries

(AP)—A Russian-financed search engine seeking to challenge Google's dominance in Vietnam is redirecting queries for some politically sensitive terms to the American company's search engine, apparently as a way of avoiding ...

Microsoft embraces a Google service for a change

Microsoft's disdain for Google doesn't extend to all of its rival's products. In a rare bit of cooperation, Microsoft's is giving users of its free email service the option of logging into Google Chat to exchange ...

Saudi says Internet apps break the rules

Saudi Arabia warned Sunday of "suitable measures" if providers of Internet messenger applications such as WhatsApp fail to comply with its rules, days after the industry said authorities wanted to control such traffic.

UK: Surveillance devices to monitor Web traffic (Update)

The U.K. plans to install an unspecified number of spy devices along the country's telecommunications network to monitor Britons' use of overseas services such as Facebook and Twitter, according to a report published Tuesday ...

Skype to replace Microsoft Messenger in March

Microsoft on Wednesday sent out word that it will "retire" its Messenger online chat feature on March 15 and replace it with the Skype Internet telephony service it bought last year.

China's Tencent quarterly profit rises 32%

Chinese Internet giant Tencent on Wednesday posted a third quarter net profit increase of 32 percent, benefiting from the popularity of its instant messaging services and online games.

Children in Switzerland are using mobile phones to go online

In no other country in Europe do more children surf the Web using their mobile phones than in Switzerland. As a study by the University of Zurich shows, children in Switzerland are adept at handling social media—they don't ...

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