How proteins find their place in the cell

Over a quarter of all proteins in a cell are found in the membrane, where they perform vital functions. To fulfill these roles, membrane proteins must be reliably transported from their site of production in the cell to their ...

Planck satellite manoeuvre aims at L2 arrival

( -- Beginning today, ESA's Planck satellite will carry out a critical mid-course manoeuvre that will place the satellite on its final trajectory for arrival at L2, the second Lagrange point of the Sun-Earth system, ...

NIST releases Gulf of Mexico crude oil reference material

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has released a new certified reference material to support the federal government's Natural Resources Damage Assessment (NRDA) in the wake of the April 2010 Deepwater ...

Piloting ribosomes past proline pairs

Certain proteins are known to require Translation Factor EF-P for their synthesis, and a new study enlarges the size of the set. As some of its members are involved in bacterial pathogenicity, the results are also of therapeutic ...

Dawn nears start of year-long stay at giant asteroid

( -- NASA's Dawn spacecraft is on track to begin the first extended visit to a large asteroid. The mission expects to go into orbit around Vesta on July 16 and begin gathering science data in early August. Vesta ...

NASA Goddard delivers magnetometers for next mission to Mars

Magnetometers built by scientists and engineers at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. for NASA's Mars Atmosphere And Volatile EvolutioN (MAVEN) mission have been delivered to the University of California at ...

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