Team changes game for synthesizing new materials

University of Oregon chemist David C. Johnson likens his lab's newly published accomplishments to combining two flavors of ice cream—vanilla and chocolate—and churning out thousands of flavors to appeal to any taste bud.

Lab-on-a-chip technology gets a flexible upgrade

Microfluidic devices move liquids through tiny, hair-sized pathways carved into glass slides and have distinct advantages over traditional laboratories when it comes to medical diagnostics. At these reduced scales, fluid ...

New algae species is named after UA researcher

University of Arizona research associate Patrick Ferris, who has spent nearly 30 years studying algae, recently was honored when a Japanese team named a newly discovered species after him.

HIPS fireproof coatings can really take the heat

( -- Tough new fire-resistant coating materials called HIPS (‘hybrid inorganic polymer system’) are being developed by CSIRO researchers in Melbourne.

Zinc oxide gives green shine to new photoconductors

Photodetectors -- devices found in cell phones, digital cameras and other consumer gadgets that utilize photoconducting materials -- are a green technology in performance (converting light into electricity), but the manufacture ...

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