How water fleas detect predators

Water fleas of the genus daphnia detect via chemical substances if their predators, namely Chaoborus larvae, are hunting in their vicinity. If so, they generate defences that make them more difficult to consume. The signalling ...

New material makes cooling devices more energy-efficient

Waste heat from industry can often not be utilised because of its low temperature. With this material, it can be used in environmentally friendly cooling systems for example in the field of building technology. The research ...

Newly designed molecule binds nitrogen

Wheat, millet and maize all need nitrogen to grow. Fertilisers therefore contain large amounts of nitrogenous compounds, which are usually synthesised by converting nitrogen to ammonia in the industrial Haber-Bosch process, ...

Scientists develop a new material for manipulating molecules

A scientist at the University of Córdoba, working with an international research team, has created a new porous single-crystal material that could have many applications in nanotechnology and catalysis.

Chemists obtained new compound for molecular machines

RUDN chemists and their colleagues have developed an innovative method of crystallisation to produce a new complex mercuric compound with hybrid organic and inorganic ligands and a highly unusual structure. Compounds such ...

How silicon protects against the toxicity of aluminium

Aluminium is arguably the planet's most significant ecotoxin. It is certainly its most abundant being the third most abundant element in the Earth's crust. Life on Earth as we know it today exists in spite of aluminium and ...

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