Inside a former Ford plant, a robot takes step into the future

More than 80 years ago, Model As rolled out of the gleaming new Ford assembly plant at the edge of the San Francisco Bay. Today the brick "daylight factory" with tall ceilings and an open floor plan is where state-of-the-art ...

Video: 'Smart implants' dissolve after healing

We all know that injuries happen and doctors sometimes have to use metal screws or plates to support broken bones while the bones heal. What if that implanted metal just disintegrated on its own after the injury heals?

Sprayable foam that slows bleeding could save lives

Traumatic injuries, whether from serious car accidents, street violence or military combat, can lead to significant blood loss and death. But using a material derived from crustacean shells, scientists have now developed ...

New report says motorcycle lane-splitting can be safe

While inching along congested roadways, California drivers will often see motorcyclists zip by, eking out a path in the narrow space between two lanes of cars. This practice of passing other vehicles traveling in the same ...

Heavier, pricier vehicles are safer, research finds

When it comes to vehicle safety, car buyers get what they pay for. That's the finding of University at Buffalo research presented today, May 14, at the annual meeting of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine.

Researchers use silk to cultivate organ tissues in the lab

Few organs in the body are as complicated as the human brain, a tight spiderweb of neurons that shoots electrical signals across synapses to control all our thoughts and movements. When something goes wrong—as it does when ...

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