Did Henry VIII suffer same brain injury as some NFL players?

Henry VIII may have suffered repeated traumatic brain injuries similar to those experienced by football players and others who receive repeated blows to the head, according to research by a Yale University expert in cognitive ...

Tech sector tackles America's concussion epidemic

A number of technology startups are devising creative new ways of detecting concussions in pro and amateur athletes, using apps, tablets and sensors to monitor the often debilitating brain injury.

Scientists discover method to potentially repair nerve damage

Nerve damage from neurodegenerative disease and spinal cord injury has largely been considered irreversible, but Dartmouth researchers report progress in the effort to synthesize rare natural products that promote regeneration ...

British vets warn against throwing sticks for dogs

British vets on Wednesday warned against throwing sticks for dogs to chase, saying that thousands of pets every year impale themselves or get dangerous infections from biting into the wood.

Novel material backed by NFL to protect against brain injuries

Funding has been awarded to world-leading, US-based helmet designer and manufacturer, Roy Burek of Charles Owen Inc., to develop a novel material created by researchers from Cardiff University's School of Engineering that ...

Portable device can quickly determine the extent of an eye injury

An engineer and an ophthalmologist are developing a portable sensor that can quickly and inexpensively determine whether an eye injury is mild or severe. The device, called OcuCheck, measures levels of vitamin C in the fluids ...

What is life really like after fighting a war?

What's life really like for soldiers at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Washington, D.C.? A new book by Rice anthropologist Zoë Wool takes an in-depth look at what life is like after the fighting ends.

BrainShield to enhance football helmet effectiveness

Researchers at Simon Fraser University's Surrey campus have developed an impact-diverting decal that, when affixed to a helmet, can significantly reduce the sharp twisting and compression of the brain that occurs during most ...

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