Swedish Pirate Bay appeals trial wraps up

Defence lawyers wrapped up an appeals trial Friday of three founders and a financier of Swedish filesharing site The Pirate Bay, demanding that their clients' earlier guilty verdicts be overturned.

Time zone database has new home after lawsuit

The organization in charge of the Internet's address system is taking over a database widely used by computers and websites to keep track of time zones around the world.

Swedish music sales 'boosted by Spotify'

Music sales in Sweden rose last year thanks to the growing popularity of music streaming service Spotify, the country's music industry body said, offering hope to a sector battered by file-sharing.

Two sentenced to US prison for copyright piracy

Two members of an Internet piracy group were sentenced to prison Friday on charges stemming from unauthorized online distribution of first-run films, officials said.

Hollywood studios lose landmark Internet download battle

Hollywood film studios on Thursday lost a landmark court bid to hold an Australian Internet provider responsible for illegal movie downloads by its customers, in a serious blow to their fight against piracy.

Facebook, Google oppose US online piracy bills

Internet heavyweights Facebook, Google, Twitter and Yahoo! joined ranks on Tuesday to oppose legislation in the US Congress intended to crack down on online piracy.

Internet domain name expansion comes under fire

A plan to expand the number of Internet domain names came under fire in the US Congress on Thursday, a day after the head of the Federal Trade Commission said it could potentially be a "disaster."

ISPs, movie, music, TV groups in copyright deal

Major US Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and music, movie and television industry associations unveiled a long-awaited agreement on Thursday aimed at curbing online copyright infringement.

Google adds more IBM patents to tech arsenal

Google confirmed Thursday that it has added 1,023 more IBM patents to its technology arsenal to fend off legal attacks by rivals such as Apple and Microsoft.

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