Can we save our urban water systems?

Existing urban water systems are at the end of their design lifetimes. New, innovative solutions are needed, and these must combine technology and engineering with an understanding of social systems and institutions. The ...

HP looks to the 'cloud'

Hewlett-Packard plans to offer a complete range of cloud computing services, HP chief executive Leo Apotheker said Monday as he outlined his strategy for the US computer giant.

Smart trains with no driver

Everyone's talking about autonomous cars, wondering if they'll soon be whizzing along our roads. This hype surprises me, because many vehicles in other transport systems have been moving about driverless for years, or even ...

Cisco outlines strategy for Smart Grid infrastructure

Continuing its expansion into lucrative business niches, Cisco Systems on Monday will announce its entrance into the smart grid infrastructure market, which the company estimates will grow to $20 billion a year within the ...

US, Canada launch joint cybersecurity plan

Canada and the United States announced Friday they were launching a joint cybsersecurity plan to protect their digital infrastructure from online threats.

Image: Restless star makes for stunning storm

Geomagnetic activity caused by our star recently created a stir in the skies over Iceland, resulting in the seeming electrification of the night, as captured here by photographer Ollie Taylor.

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