NASA to launch sky-mapping spacecraft

(AP) -- NASA's latest space telescope will scan the sky in search of never-before-seen asteroids, comets, stars and galaxies, with one of its main tasks to catalog objects posing a danger to Earth. The sky-mapping WISE, ...

Astrophoto: Beautiful new look at the Orion Nebula

The enormous cloud of dust and gas that makes up the Orion Nebula is featured in this beautiful astrophoto. This image was a joint effort, with images taken by Gary Gonnella – a regular on our Virtual Star Parties – and ...

NASA's next great space telescope

Assembly of the next great space observatory, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), is now underway at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. Launch target: 2018.

1000 days of infrared wonders

( -- For the last 1000 days the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC), aboard NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope, has been operating continuously to probe the universe from its most distant regions to our local solar neighborhood. ...

Exploring the atmosphere of exoplanet WASP-14b

First discovered in 2008, WASP 14b is an interesting exoplanet. It is roughly seven times as massive as Jupiter, but only 30% larger, making it among the densest known exoplanets. Recently, it was the target of observations ...

The cosmic infrared background

( -- The cosmic infrared background is the collective infrared radiation emitted by cosmic sources throughout the history of the universe, including sources inaccessible to current telescopes. The latter category, ...

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