NASA sees heavy rainfall around compact Typhoon Guchol's center

Typhoon Guchol has spawned alerts in the Philippines as it is forecast to skirt the eastern part of Luzon this weekend, and will likely spawn warnings in Okinawa and western Japan over the next couple of days as it tracks ...

Satellite sees large Hurricane Rafael battering Bermuda

Hurricane Rafael is a large hurricane and Bermuda has battened down for Rafael's battering today, Oct. 16. NOAA's GOES-14 satellite revealed Rafael's large span that covers several hundred miles and dwarfs Bermuda.

NASA saw Tropical Storm Haruna come together

Tropical Storm Haruna came together on Feb. 19 in the Southern Indian Ocean and two NASA satellites provided visible and infrared imagery that helped forecasters see the system's organization.

NASA sees more severe weather over eastern Texas, Oklahoma

A low pressure area is centered over eastern Oklahoma, and its associated cold front drapes south into eastern Texas. The front is stalled over eastern Texas and eastern Oklahoma and is generating severe weather today.

NASA sees Tropical Storm Enrique enter cooler waters, weaken

Tropical cyclones need sea surface temperatures of at least 80 degrees Fahrenheit (26.6 Celsius) to maintain strength, and a new infrared image from NASA's Aqua satellite shows that Tropical Storm Enrique has moved into an ...

NASA's TRMM satellite sees birth of Arabian Sea cyclone

NASA's TRMM satellite measured rainfall and towering clouds within the Arabian Sea's first tropical cyclone of the season as it passed overhead from space. Meanwhile, the infrared AIRS instrument aboard NASA's Aqua satellite ...

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