Serpent in the sky captured with ESO telescope

A myriad of stars is revealed behind the faint orange glow of the Sh2-54 nebula in this new infrared image. Located in the constellation Serpens, this stunning stellar nursery has been captured in all its intricate detail ...

An X-ray step towards superfast nanoelectronics

When a material with magnetic properties, constructed from appropriately selected layers, is illuminated by a pulse from an X-ray laser, it instantly demagnetizes. This phenomenon, so far poorly understood, could in the future ...

Gold-based passive heating for eyewear

Researchers at ETH Zurich have developed an ultrathin, gold-based transparent coating that is able to convert sunlight into heat. It can be applied to glass and other surfaces to prevent them from fogging. Applications for ...

Hubble captures dual views of an unusual star cluster

While these two images may look dazzlingly different, they are actually pictures of the same cosmic object: NGC 1850. Although the same Hubble instrument took both images, different filters with different assigned colors ...

Image: Pillars of Creation (NIRCam and MIRI composite image)

By combining images of the iconic Pillars of Creation from two cameras aboard the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope, the Universe has been framed in its infrared glory. Webb's near-infrared image was fused with its ...

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