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Quantum physics secures new cryptography scheme

The way we secure digital transactions could soon change. An international team has demonstrated a form of quantum cryptography that can protect people doing business with others they may not know or trust – a situation ...

Twitter study shows Africa is football mad

Posts about football topped Africans' tweets last year, trumping even world events like the death of Nelson Mandela, results from a study released on Wednesday showed.

Measuring wind turbines remotely

The rotor and mast of a wind turbine can oscillate even in normal operation. The analysis of these oscillations plays an important role when the equipment is being developed and maintained. Up to now, this analysis has ...

Spintronics: Deciphering a material for future electronics

Topological insulators are the key to future spintronics technologies. EPFL scientists have unraveled how these strange materials work, overcoming one of the biggest obstacles on the way to next-generation applications.

Tech bugs plague federal projects

t was an ambitious federal technology project, tying together a string of government databases in one Web portal. But the launch was a giant mess: contract missteps, broken deadlines, cost overruns. Users complained the site ...

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