Pentagon plans huge, swift upgrade to Windows 10

The Department of Defense is embarking on a program to update millions of its computers to Windows 10, an unusually quick move for one of Microsoft's massive government customers.

Former US official to head cybersecurity at Sony

Japanese electronics giant Sony, which suffered a huge data breach this year, named a former top US Department of Homeland Security official on Tuesday to lead its cybersecurity efforts.

Hackers breach UC Berkeley computer database

(AP) -- University of California, Berkeley, officials said Friday that hackers infiltrated restricted computer databases, putting at risk health and other personal information on 160,000 students, alumni and others.

All governments hack secret data, Huawei says

Using the Internet to spy and steal sensitive data is standard practice by all countries, according to the security chief of controversial Chinese telecoms giant Huawei.

Fed agency blames giant hack on 'neglected' security system

The agency that allowed hackers linked to China to steal private information about nearly every federal employee—and detailed personal histories of millions with security clearances—failed for years to take basic steps ...

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