Introducing quantum convolutional neural networks

Machine learning techniques have so far proved to be very promising for the analysis of data in several fields, with many potential applications. However, researchers have found that applying these methods to quantum physics ...

Novel networking

As a new joint appointee at the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory, Eden Figueroa is getting accustomed to traversing between his roles within the Lab's Computational Science Initiative (CSI) and Instrumentation ...

Facebook enlists plain English to clarify how it makes money

Facebook is updating its terms and services guidelines to clarify how it makes money from the personal information of its users. The changes reflect its ongoing attempts to satisfy regulators in the U.S. and Europe, which ...

Fake Facebook accounts: the never-ending battle against bots

The staggering figure of more than three billion fake accounts blocked by Facebook over a six-month period highlights the challenges faced by social networks in curbing automated accounts, or bots, and other nefarious efforts ...

Game theory highlights power of local reporting in vaccine decisions

Computational modeling of social networks suggests that vaccination programs are more successful in containing disease when individuals have access to local information about disease prevalence. Anupama Sharma of The Institute ...

Facebook removes fake Italian accounts ahead of EU election

Facebook shut down phony Italian accounts and pages spreading fake news ahead of European Union parliamentary elections, prompting opposition lawmakers to call Monday for tougher laws to curb online misinformation.

Study finds Wi-Fi location affects online privacy behavior

Does sitting in a coffee shop versus at home influence a person's willingness to disclose private information online? Does the on-screen appearance of a public location's online "terms and conditions" have an effect? According ...

Google's privacy promises don't sway many experts

Google announced new privacy tools Tuesday intended to give people more control over how they're being tracked on the go or in their own home, part of a broader effort by big tech companies to counter increasing scrutiny ...

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