Related topics: influenza

Birds become immune to influenza

An influenza infection in birds gives a good protection against other subtypes of the virus, like a natural vaccination, according to a new study.

Patients could benefit from new meningitis test

A new test for meningitis – which could help deliver faster and more effective treatments for patients – has been developed through University of Strathclyde-led research.

Mechanism to form influenza A virus discovered

The influenza A virus is known to form new strains every year. These strains are the result of small variations occurring at the level of the genome, which cause the virus to change and become unfamiliar to the immune system. ...

Smart bacteria help each other survive

The body's assailants are cleverer than previously thought. New research from Lund University in Sweden shows for the first time how bacteria in the airways can help each other replenish vital iron. The bacteria thereby increase ...

Building a flu factory from host cell components

Perhaps inspired by the annual 3 to 5 million cases of severe influenza worldwide, the Guinness World Record organization is advertising for individuals or organizations to attempt a record for the most people getting a flu ...

Effects of highly pathogenic avian influenza on canids

Researchers at Hokkaido University have revealed the effects of high pathogenicity avian influenza virus infection on an Ezo red fox and a Japanese raccoon dog, linking their infection to a recorded die-off of crows.

Swine flu genes dissimilar to past pandemics

Some genetic markers of influenza infection severity have been identified from past outbreaks. Researchers have failed to find most of these markers, described in the open access journal BMC Microbiology, in samples of the ...

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