Biologists tag 'zombees' to track their flight

After last year's accidental discovery of "zombie"-like bees infected with a fly parasite, SF State researchers are conducting an elaborate experiment to learn more about the plight of the honey bees.

Bumblebees use nicotine to fight off parasites

Researchers from Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) and Royal Holloway, University of London (RHUL), gave bumblebees the option to choose between a sugar solution with nicotine in it and one without. Those bees infected ...

Protecting our pollinators

Bees, so crucial to our food supply, are dying off at alarming rates. CALS researchers are taking a close look at everything from the microbes in their hives to the landscapes they live in to identify in what conditions bees ...

Bumble bee visits a fritillary

Bumble bees can see which fritillary has the most nectar. Pollination by the bees protects plants against moulds.

Honeybee homing hampered by parasite

Honeybees infected with a common parasite have a much lower chance of making it back from foraging trips, say scientists.

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