Mobile connectivity indoors has just got better

Researchers at IMDEA Networks invent the simplest solution available today to swiftly build a mobile wireless positioning system in a new indoor environment. Unlike other systems, it requires neither manual and costly offline ...

Antimicrobial paints have a blind spot

Antimicrobial paints offer the promise of extra protection against bacteria. But Northwestern University researchers caution that these paints might be doing more harm than good.

Electricity helping the blind navigate

Specialists at the Monterrey Institute of Technology (ITESM) developed a device able to guide blind or visually impaired people in established routes through electrical stimulation of the organs associated with balance (vestibular ...

Custom-controlled climate on airplanes

The indoor climate on airplanes is a frequent source of complaints. In the future, passengers should be able to set their own individualized climate and temperature controls and also be able to adjust air supply to their ...

Kinect@Home crowdsources for 3-D models

(—An open source undertaking called Kinect@Home offers the world a deal: "Users get access to 3-D models they can embed anywhere on the internet, and we use this data to create better computer vision algorithms." ...

Comfortable climate indoors with porous glass

Proper humidity and temperature play a key role in indoor climate. In the future, establishing a comfortable indoor environment may rely on porous glass incorporated into plaster, as this regulates moisture particularly well ...

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