Riparian areas could act as climatic refugia for plant diversity

The Lancang River is internationally known for its rich water resources and diverse aquatic ecology, but research on riparian plant biodiversity is sparse. As a tropical transition area in the Mekong Basin, Xishuangbanna ...

The entire planet's ecosystems classified for the first time

A global cross-disciplinary team of scientists led by UNSW Sydney researchers has developed the first comprehensive classification of the world's ecosystems across land, rivers and wetlands, and seas. The ecosystem typology ...

Study tracks waterbird use of Chicago-area wetlands

A three-year study in northeastern Illinois and northwestern Indiana found that—even at small scales—emergent wetlands or ponds support many wetland bird species. The study also found that, at least in the years surveyed, ...

Crop protection: Biohacking against fungal attacks

Harmful fungi cause enormous agricultural losses. Conventional techniques for combating them involve the use of poisonous fungicides. Researchers at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), working with partners from Germany, ...

Climate change negatively impacting bumblebees, study finds

Temperature changes have negatively impacted most species of bumblebees over the past 120 years, according to new research published this week in Biology Letters. The researchers note that changes in temperature had more ...

Hanging out with bats to discover the secrets of their biology

By turns admired and reviled, bats are one of the most mysterious mammals alive. Their nocturnal habits and unique adaptations mean that bat biology still holds many secrets. It is possible that bats may hold the key to understanding ...

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