Device rapidly measures growth of single cells simultaneously

A new technique invented at MIT can precisely measure the growth of many individual cells simultaneously. The advance holds promise for fast drug tests, offers new insights into growth variation across single cells within ...

Premiere: Watch the development of a larva into an adult worm

Researchers from FOM institute AMOLF have developed a microscopy technique for the live tracking of development in the individual cells of a growing, eating and moving organism, the worm Caenorhabditis elegans. The next step ...

A new tracking and quantification tool for single cells

Working with colleagues from the ETH Zürich, scientists at the Helmholtz Zentrum München and the Technical University of Munich have developed software that allows observing cells for weeks while also measuring molecular ...

Extracting the content of single living cells

Biologists are increasingly interested in the behavior of individual cells, rather than the one of an entire cell population. A new method developed at ETH could revolutionize single cell analysis. The technology uses the ...

Researchers outsmart the biological uncertainty principle

Anyone who has ever taken a group photo will be familiar with the problem: If everyone is constantly running around, it's almost impossible to get a sharp photo. Cell biologists who want to visualize molecular processes inside ...

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