Chip captures individual cells in minuscule gels

Researchers at the University of Twente's MIRA research institute have developed a chip that can capture and hold individual cells in the exact centre of a minuscule hydrogel droplet. Their novel method keeps cells alive ...

Making vessels leaky on demand could aid drug delivery

The endothelial cells that line blood vessels are packed tightly to keep blood inside and flowing, but scientists at Rice University and their colleagues have discovered it may be possible to selectively open gaps in those ...

'Sister cell' profiling aims to shut down cancer metastasis

In work that could improve understanding of how cancer spreads, a team of engineers and medical researchers at the University of Michigan developed a new kind of microfluidic chip that can capture rare, aggressive cancer ...

Cells calculate ratios to control gene expression

In multicellular animals, cells communicate by emitting and receiving proteins, a process called signaling. One of the most common signaling pathways is the transforming growth factor b (Tgf-b) pathway, which functions in ...

Nano-SPEARs gently measure electrical signals in small animals

Microscopic probes developed at Rice University have simplified the process of measuring electrical activity in individual cells of small living animals. The technique allows a single animal like a worm to be tested again ...

How the first blood cells form during human development

Scientists at Lund University in Sweden have developed a new understanding of how the first blood cells form during human development as they transition from endothelial cells to form blood cells of different types.

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