Using nanophotonics to reshape on-chip computer data transmission

A team at Stanford's School of Engineering has demonstrated an ultrafast nanoscale light emitting diode (LED) that is orders of magnitude lower in power consumption than today's laser-based systems and able to transmit data ...

Detector blinding attacks on quantum cryptography defeated

( -- The Cambridge Research Laboratory of Toshiba Research Europe announced today that it has discovered a simple method to prevent detector blinding attacks on quantum cryptography.

Ultrathin alternative to silicon for future electronics

There's good news in the search for the next generation of semiconductors. Researchers with the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the University of California Berkeley, have successfully ...

Danish nanowires have great potential

Danish nanophysicists have developed a new method for manufacturing the cornerstone of nanotechnology research - nanowires. The discovery has great potential for the development of nanoelectronics and highly efficient solar ...

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