Related topics: space · launch vehicle

NASA IMERG data Hurricane Sandra's heavy rainfall

Hurricane Sandra fizzled in the southern Gulf of California before moving ashore but on its journey north it was close enough to drop more than 2 feet of rainfall along part of the coast of western Mexico. Data from NASA's ...

Ariane 5's sixth launch this year

An Ariane 5 has delivered two telecom satellites, Arabsat-6B and GSAT-15, into their planned orbits. 

India's frugal Mars mission extended by six months

India's famously frugal Mars mission has been extended by around six months thanks to a surplus of fuel on board the spacecraft, the country's space agency said Tuesday.

India launches biggest ever rocket into space

India successfully launched its biggest ever rocket on Thursday carrying an unmanned capsule which could one day send astronauts into space, as the country ramps up its ambitious space programme.

Sixth launch for Ariane 5 this year

An Ariane 5 has lifted off from Europe's Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana and delivered two telecom satellites into their planned orbits.

After Mars, India space chief aims for the moon

India now has its sights set on low-budget missions to land on the moon and study the sun after becoming the first country in Asia to reach Mars, the head of its space agency said Tuesday.

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