Related topics: intensive care unit

Detection of a new state in the protein folding process

Scientists have discovered a new, intermediate state in the process of protein folding, showing folding can occur in two stages, one fast and the next found to be much slower. The findings are published in the journal Physical ...

Nesting turtles give clues on oil spill's impact

(AP) -- Nearly hidden by brownish sand, the Kemps ridley sea turtle digging furiously with her back flippers as she carved out a flask-shaped hole to lay her eggs wasn't aware of the excitement she was generating among the ...

Sweet solutions for detecting disease

Based at the Institute of Chemistry in the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Ján Tkáč's research combines glycomics – the study of sugars in organisms – with biochip sensors based on nanoparticles and nanotubes. The complexity ...

Seven rare Komodo dragons hatch in Indonesia

Seven Komodo dragons have hatched under a breeding programme at an Indonesian zoo, an official said, a success story that raises hope for the endangered lizard.

Mosquitoes more likely to transmit dengue virus in hot weather

Dengue virus grows and spreads in mosquitoes faster at higher temperatures, but slows when temperatures are lower or fluctuate, suggesting that local weather conditions could have a big influence on dengue fever outbreaks. ...

Alternative-energy innovations on display

Climate change is in dispute. Oil and gas are staging a comeback. Republicans are questioning federal funding for energy research as a waste of money in a time of deficits.

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