When more women make decisions, the environment wins

When more women are involved in group decisions about land management, the group conserves more—particularly when offered financial incentives to do so, according to a new University of Colorado Boulder study published ...

Don't be fooled by pretty food, research warns

As the holiday season nears, thoughts of pumpkin pies, roasted chestnuts and turkey dinners fill our dreams and our grocery shopping lists. While visions of holiday food may be pleasing to the eyes and tantalizing to the ...

Study tests motivational techniques

Every year, U.S. companies spend billions on incentives for salespeople, and although incentives can help boost sales figures, the associated costs cut into the bottom line in a big way.

Why cash incentives aren't a good idea in education

If there is one iron law of economics it is this: people respond to incentives. Offer an "all you can eat" buffet and people eat a lot. Double the demerit points for speeding on a holiday weekend and fewer people speed. And ...

Amazon asks Supreme Court to block NY sales tax

Amazon.com Inc. is taking its tax fight to the U.S. Supreme Court, asking the justices to block a demand from New York authorities that it collect a sales tax on goods sold in that state.

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