Fossil fuel firms should inform investors of climate risks

A test disclosure program offering limited safe harbor from litigation would help close the gap between what fossil fuel firms now share about their climate change risks and what investors need to know, according to a new ...

Green technologies environmentally and profit friendly

Companies looking to reduce their environmental impact without negatively affecting profits may want to consider increasing their investment in green technology and other sustainable IT solutions, according to a new study ...

Ireland approves massive Apple data centre

Ireland on Thursday gave the green light for tech giant Apple to build an 850-million-euro ($1.0-billion) data centre following a battle with conservationists who were seeking to preserve a forest.

Leaks will not sink carbon capture and storage

The case for carbon capture and storage—a promising method for reducing greenhouse gases—received a boost recently from a Princeton University study that indicated the procedure would not be prone to significant leakage ...

Corn better used as food than biofuel, study finds

Corn is grown not only for food, it is also an important renewable energy source. Renewable biofuels can come with hidden economic and environmental issues, and the question of whether corn is better utilized as food or as ...

The progress toward sustainability

The integration of economic development, modern management and environmental protection created the field of sustainability management. The effort to ensure that humans could continue to benefit from the miracle of this planet, ...

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