NASA Orion splashdown tests ensure safe landings for astronauts

(—The 18,000-pound test article that mimics the size and weight of NASA's Orion spacecraft crew module recently completed a final series of water impact tests in the Hydro Impact Basin at the agency's Langley Research ...

Mysteries in Nili Fossae

These new images from the high-resolution stereo camera on ESA's Mars Express show Nili Fossae, one of the most enticing regions on Mars. This 'graben system' lies northeast of the volcanic region of Syrtis Major on the northwestern ...

Biogeochemical insights from a major Amazonian river

Rivers provide water to billions of people and are critical linkages between continental ecosystems and oceans. Every run and every riffle reshape the surrounding landscape as a river transports nutrients and sediment downstream. ...

Protecting river basins in the Mediterranean

We as European citizens may not be directly exposed to all of its consequences yet, but global warming is progressively driving lifestyles across the world into a corner. Some of its most devastating - and probably most documented ...

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