Related topics: immune response · immune cells

Microplastic pollution impairs seabird gut health

Scientists have long known that wild seabirds ingest bits of plastic pollution as they feed, but a study Monday shows the tiny particles don't just clog or transit the stomach but can subvert its complex mix of good and bad ...

Half a million-dollar tick

University of Oxford and Monash University scientists have discovered how proteins present in tick saliva prevent the immune system from running amok.

How cGAS enzyme is kept bottled up

In higher organisms, detection of DNA in the cytoplasm triggers an immune reaction. The enzyme that senses "misplaced" DNA is also found in the nucleus, but nuclear DNA has no such effect. LMU researchers now report why that ...

Cell biology: Flushing out fats

The Wip1 protein is important for survival, but mutations that inactivate it carry some surprising features. "A lack of Wip1 results in an excessive immune reaction to infectious organisms, in some cases killing the host," ...

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