Facial-recognition technology proves its mettle

(Phys.org) —In a study that evaluated some of the latest in automatic facial recognition technology, researchers at Michigan State University were able to quickly identify one of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects from ...

3-D sonar provides new view of Civil War shipwreck

The remains of the only U.S. Navy ship sunk in combat in the Gulf of Mexico during the Civil War can now be seen in high-resolution, 3-D sonar images from the Gulf's murky depths.

Laser guided codes advance single pixel terahertz imaging

The universe is awash in terahertz (THz) waves, as harmless as they are abundant. But unlike other regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, THz has proven to be extremely difficult to manipulate in order to capture novel ...

High-resolution microscopy without a lens

(Phys.org)—Over the past several years, major advances have been made at UCLA in the field of lens-less computational imaging technology, particularly in the design of lens-free holographic microscopes, which, because of ...

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