Physicists create Star Trek-style holograms

Star Trek's famous holodeck is a virtual reality stage that simulates any object in 3-D as if they were real. However, 3-D holographic projection has never been realized. A team of scientists from Bilkent University, Turkey, ...

Functionality of smartphones integrated into ordinary glasses

Spin-off company Dispelix Oy will commercialise a new display – developed by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland – which brings visual information directly into the user's field of vision, as a high-definition image ...

Muscle power: Bats power take-off using recycled energy

Bats are uniquely able to stretch and store energy in their bicep and tricep tendons during take-off and climbing flight, giving them an extra power boost. A new study on fruitbats, to be presented at the meeting of the Society ...

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