Related topics: nasa

Computer genetic metrics of fly brain reveal sex differences

Thanks to genetic tools that allow computers to accurately count neurons from microscopy images, EPFL researchers have estimated with unprecedented accuracy the number of neurons and other types of cells in the brain of fruit ...

Making it easier to differentiate mirror-image molecules

Using a new method, scientists are better able to distinguish between mirror-image substances. This is important amongst others in drug development, because the two variants can cause completely different effects in the human ...

Simultaneous extreme weather created dangerous cascades in US

Intense heat in the southwestern United States broke records last summer partly because it hit in tandem with an unusually severe drought, finds a new Johns Hopkins study measuring for the first time how the two extreme weather ...

Ultra-thin film creates vivid 3D images with large field of view

Researchers have developed a new ultra-thin film that can create detailed 3D images viewable under normal illumination without any special reading devices. The images appear to float on top of the film and exhibit smooth ...

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