Whiter teeth, without the burn

Most people would like to flash a smile of pearly whites, but over time teeth can become stained by foods, beverages and some medications. Unfortunately, the high levels of hydrogen peroxide in dentists' bleaching treatments ...

Eliminating microplastics in wastewater directly at the source

A research team from the Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS) has developed a process for the electrolytic treatment of wastewater that degrades microplastics at the source. The results of this research have ...

Scientists reveal dynamic silver crystallization by in-situ SEM

Different structured materials have different properties and applications. Disclosing the formation mechanism of material structures may help develop routes for the rational synthesis. However, how the materials structures ...

Researchers find ways to improve on soap and water

Nanosafety researchers at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health have developed a new intervention to fight infectious disease by more effectively disinfecting the air around us, our food, our hands, and whatever else ...

Nanostructured material with potential for use in catalyzers

Titanium oxide (TiO2) nanofibers can have various applications, such as in catalyzers and filters. When TiO2 is excited by ultraviolet light, it degrades organic material. Hence, TiO2 can be applied to filter wastewater for ...

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