Heat accelerates dry in California drought

Although record low precipitation has been the main driver of one of the worst droughts in California history, abnormally high temperatures have also played an important role in amplifying its adverse effects, according to ...

First rain on world's largest artificial watershed

Manmade hillsides inside the University of Arizona's Biosphere 2 provide researchers with the first opportunity to study how water, microbes, soil and plants interact in a setting realistic enough to improve global climate ...

Managing future forests for water

Forest Service Southern Research Station (SRS) scientists recently used long-term data from the Coweeta Hydrological Laboratory (Coweeta) in Western North Carolina to examine the feasibility of managing forests for water ...

Noah-MP captures major hydrological patterns in China

The Noah land surface model with multi-parameterization options (Noah-MP) simulates the major spatiotemporal patterns of hydrological variables in China, a vast country characterized by complex terrain and large river basins ...

How to integrate knowledge for managing future climate extremes

With the rising frequency of water-related natural-hazard events such as floods and droughts, policymakers are increasingly focusing on risk management and adaptation strategies. These require not only a better understanding ...

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