Photocatalytic hydrogen production from water

NUS chemists have developed carbon-conjugated covalent organic frameworks for visible light-driven catalytic production of hydrogen gas from water.

A blue pigment found to be a high-performance ammonia adsorbent

Akira Takahashi (Researcher) and institutional collaborators have discovered that the blue pigment Prussian blue has a higher adsorption capacity than common ammonia adsorbents, and controlled the structure of Prussian blue ...

Quantum destabilization of a water sandwich

From raindrops rolling off the waxy surface of a waterlily leaf to the efficiency of desalination membranes, interactions between water molecules and water-repellent "hydrophobic" surfaces are all around us. The interplay ...

Microorganisms build the best fuel efficient hydrogen cells

For all the advances technology has made throughout our lives, in many cases it stands behind what nature can do. Ants can carry 5000 times their weight, and spider webs are five times stronger than steel. Fuel efficiency ...

New insights into the origin of life

A famous experiment in 1953 showed that amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, could have formed spontaneously under the atmospheric conditions of early Earth. However, just because molecules could form doesn't mean ...

Direct observation of giant molecules

Physicists at the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics (MPQ) achieved to form giant diatomic molecules and optically detect them afterwards by using a high-resolution objective.

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