Related topics: fuel cell

Turbocharging fuel cells with a multifunctional catalyst

Powering clean, efficient cars is just one way fuel cell technology could accelerate humanity into a sustainable energy future, but unfortunately, the technology has been a bit sluggish. Now, engineers may be able to essentially ...

New discovery may be breakthrough for hydrogen cars

A team of Virginia Tech researchers has discovered a way to create hydrogen fuel using a biological method that greatly reduces the time and money it takes to produce the zero-emissions fuel. This method uses abundantly available ...

Protons fuel graphene prospects

Graphene, impermeable to all gases and liquids, can easily allow protons to pass through it, University of Manchester researchers have found.

Nanomolecular origami boxes hold big promise for energy storage

( —If you think your origami skills can't be beat – try this: (1) use the world's thinnest material, (2) make the origami fold and unfold itself, and (3) pack into your miniscule origami box enough hydrogen atoms ...

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